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Tata Capital > Blog > Loan for Business > What is a CIN number, and Why is it Important?

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What is a CIN number, and Why is it Important?

What is a CIN number, and Why is it Important?

All legal requirements must be satisfied when incorporating a firm. A Corporate Identification Number is a key compliance requirement. This unique number helps identify and monitor your firm. Starting a business requires understanding the CIN. This article discusses CINs, their components, their usefulness to enterprises, and more.

What is a CIN number?

Indian Registrar of Companies (ROCs) give 21-digit alphanumeric Corporate Identification Numbers (CINs). Every ROC-registered firm has a unique identifier.  A CIN is issued when a company completes its registration process, making it an essential aspect of the incorporation procedure. This number is provided alongside the company’s registration certificate, confirming its legal existence.

CIN is mandatory for Indian companies such as:

  • Private Limited Companies (PLCs)
  • One Person Companies (OPCs)
  • Government-owned companies
  • State Government Companies
  • Not-for-Profit Section 8 Companies
  • Nidhi Companies, etc.

Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs) do not receive CINs. Instead, LLPs receive a 7-digit LLPIN (Limited Liability Partnership Identification Number).

Different Sections of a CIN

The CIN consists of 21 digits, and these digits are divided into six distinct sections. Each section provides specific information about the company. 

Let’s analyze these sections in detail:

Section 1: ‘Listed’ signifies the company is listed on the Indian stock exchange. Whereas ‘unlisted’ means the opposite. Since the company’s CIN starts with ‘L’ or ‘U’, the following describes its listing status.

Section 2: The next five digits signify the economic activity associated with that company or the specific industry in which it operates. This section provides a framework for categorizing the company according to its operational characteristics.

Section 3: The subsequent two letters indicate the state of registration for the company. For example, ‘KA’ stands for Karnataka, ‘MH’ for Maharashtra, etc.

Section 4: Four numeric digits indicate the company’s incorporation year.

Section 5: The next three letters reflect the company’s private or public limited status, such as ‘PTC’ means Private Limited Company and ‘PLC’ means Public Limited Company.

Section 6: The Registrar of Companies assigns the final six digits.

This sequence of characters reveals the company’s registration status, location, classification, and incorporation year.

Why is CIN Important for Businesses?

The CIN holds significant importance for businesses in India for various reasons. Below are some key reasons why the CIN number is essential for your company:

1. Unique Identification

The CIN acts as a unique identifier for your company. It helps distinguish your company from others, providing easy identification and access to relevant company data. The CIN makes your organization easily traceable in government, corporate, and financial records.

2. Regulation Compliance

A CIN is required for all Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) filings and documents. This encompasses audits, annual reports, and other necessary documentation. Without a CIN, your firm may not meet regulatory standards, resulting in penalties or legal issues.

3. Transparency, accountability

The CIN links a corporation to its registration records, increasing transparency. The 21-digit code lets anyone check the company’s registration status, type, location, and financial history. Your business actions are transparent and accountable to the public, government, and investors.

4. Verification of Company Details

The CIN is used to authenticate the identity of your firm while conducting business activities, applying for loans, or entering into contracts. Lenders, investors, and other businesses rely on the CIN to ensure that their company is lawfully established and recognized by the government. This increases the legitimacy of your business operations and guarantees that transactions run smoothly.

5. CIN on Official Documents

The CIN must be mentioned on all company-related paperwork. These documents include invoices, bills, receipts, letterheads, notices, notes, and yearly reports. The CIN serves primarily as a business identity and is used to validate the company’s legal standing in numerous transactions. This is why having a CIN is crucial for daily business operations.

How is CIN used in Business Transactions?

A company in India is required to mention its CIN on various documents to establish its identity. These documents include:

  • Invoices
  • Bills and receipts
  • Notices
  • Memos
  • Letterheads
  • Annual reports and audits
  • E-form submissions on the MCA portal
  • Company publications, etc.

The presence of the CIN on these documents borders on assuring a legal identity in any transaction on behalf of your company.

Noncompliance Penalties

Noncompliance with the requirements of introducing a CIN on relevant documents can attract penalties. In the absence of a company’s CIN, the company and any officer responsible for such failure may be levied a fine of INR 1,000 per day. The provision of this type of noncompliance is limited up to INR 1,00,000, and suffice to clinch that all your documents accrue your CIN to thwart any penalties.

Changing the CIN

In certain situations, the CIN of a company may need to be changed. Some common scenarios where a CIN change is necessary include:

  • Company listing change (unlisted to listed or vice versa).
  • Changing the registered office location, especially if the company moves out of state.
  • A change in the industry or sector to which the company belongs.

If any of these changes occur, the company must update its CIN with the ROC.


Important first steps in setting up a business in India include forming a corporation and getting a CIN. In addition to acting as a distinct identifier for your firm, the CIN is crucial for regulatory compliance, openness, and operational efficiency. A CIN guarantees the legal and professional recognition of your firm when dealing with clients, investors, or the government.

Maintaining regulatory compliance and seamless operations in the corporate landscape is possible with a comprehension of the CIN’s components and their significance. Consequently, to prevent fines and guarantee corporate success, make sure your company gets and uses its CIN properly.

Thus, for seamless business operations and regulatory compliance, ensure your company has a CIN and uses it across all relevant documents. Tata Capital offers various financial solutions to help you grow your business. Visit the Tata Capital website or download the Tata Capital app to explore customized loan options and services that can support your business needs.

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How can I find my CIN number?

Head to the MCA portal, enter your company details and get your CIN instantly. You can also find the CIN on your company’s incorporation certificate.

What is the CIN under GST?

Companies Act 2013 has introduced a Corporate Identification Number (CIN) to identify a company registered under the said Act, which is a requirement when registering for GST and filing for the necessary compliance of the business.

Are CIN and pan the same?

No, CIN and PAN are not the same. CIN is a unique number given to companies when they are incorporated. Nonetheless, the tax department issues PANs to both persons and organizations for tax-related reasons.

Who is eligible for the CIN number?

A CIN is issued to companies formally registered under the Companies Act of 2013.

How to generate a cin number?

A CIN is automatically generated when a business registers with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA). It is generated after the necessary paperwork has been submitted to the MCA.