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Tata Capital > Blog > What’s Trending > How are Shubharambh Loans by Tata Capital Different from Traditional Loans?

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How are Shubharambh Loans by Tata Capital Different from Traditional Loans?

How are Shubharambh Loans by Tata Capital Different from Traditional Loans?

Manpreet Singh from Chandigarh, who owns a cardboard manufacturing business, was posed with numerous challenges in 2020. Not only was he forced to stop his projects midway, but he was also struggling to receive any new work. Concurrently, his daughter had just begun working at the local Covid-19 centre as a volunteer.

Be that as it may, father to a young girl, Singh braved the odds to ensure her daughter serves the community while travelling safely. “Just because I was short on funds, doesn’t mean I could let my daughter’s courage down. After all, ensuring a daughter’s safety is the duty of every parent,” recalls Singh. “So, I took a Shubharambh two-wheeler loan and brought home a scooter, now not only can she serve our country during the pandemic but can also ride safely,” he adds. 

Manpreet is amongst the countless others who experienced hardships in 2020 but eventually thrived with earnest hard work and some assistance from Tata Capital’s Shubharambh Loans.

What Makes Shubharambh Finance Extra Special?

2020 brought unprecedented times, and everyone grasped at straws looking for hope. As the year changed, some people are gradually starting to make plans for the future, while many are still in despair. With Shubharambh finance, Tata Capital aims to fulfil its duty by lending a helping hand to businesses and individuals affected by the pandemic.

The loans are tailored for people to overcome the remnants of crisis in 2021 and help them begin again. Here are a few benefits that make Shubharambh finance distinct from traditional loans.

Extended Loan Tenure Available for All Shubharambh Products

Unlike traditional loans, Shubharambh finance offers high loan tenures to enable easy repayment.  Those opting for home finance can repay over a period as high as 30 years, and home equity loan borrowers will also avail superior loan tenure up to 20 years. Furthermore, our Shubharambh business loans will ensure that your current-day business finances are taken care of quickly with a unique overdraft facility.

2020 may be known as the year that changed everything, especially how people travel. From compulsorily donning masks to owning personal vehicles, commuting in 2021 has a different meaning altogether. For ensuring that after a financially uncertain year, your budget can receive the much-needed rest, Tata Capital offers extended loan tenures on bike finance and used car loans. Bring your favourite vehicle home with no charges upfront and let us take care of your finances.

Additional Read: Types of Loans Available under Shubharambh Loans by Tata Capital

Minimum Income Criteria Only Rs 15,000

Whether you are switching your existing home, aiming to live rent-free lifelong or a first-time home buyer, Tata Capital’s Shubharambh home loanswill make your transition much easier. Just like the troubles of 2020, forget about the harsh eligibility conditions. Customers with a minimum of Rs 15, 000 as their monthly income are eligible to avail our Shubharambh home finance.

Specially curated to empower your new beginnings, personal loan offer an extra year for repayment and allow you to avail loan amounts at relaxed eligibility criteria. Salaried individuals with even one year of work experience and a monthly income of Rs 15,000 or more can take personal finance. The minimum criteria for income begin at just Rs 15,000.

Club Your Family Income and Avail Shubharambh Finance

As people prepare to step into a new tomorrow, we ensure no-hassle processes at our end. Whether it is eligibility or income conditions, our assistance allowed you to leave behind the burdens in 2020. That’s why our Shubharambh offerings allow customers to club their family income when applying for finance. Whether it is used car finance or loan against property, our flexibility covers all.

Additional Read: Who can apply for Shubharambh Loans?

Pre-Covid-19 Credit Score is Considered

With Shubharambh loans, Tata Capital has only one aim, to cater to people’s post-pandemic requirements and help them rebuild. We understand that everyone’s credit score took a hit during 2020. That’s why to ensure that you make up for what you lost in the last year; we will consider the pre-Covid credit score while sanctioning loans.

Leaving behind the darkest days in 2020, as you sail through 2021, there is no reason to lose hope. With Tata Capital by your side, you can rebuild your life with ease. Make the most of Shubharambh loans, apply today.