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Tata Capital > Blog > Loan for Travel > 10 Unusual Attractions You Should See in Malaysia

Loan for Travel

10 Unusual Attractions You Should See in Malaysia

10 Unusual Attractions You Should See in Malaysia

Malaysia has its distinct charm among the Southeast Asian countries because of the many unique attractions the country offers. When holidaying in Malaysia, do not just go through the beaten path and visit the places that are popular among tourists. Instead, choose to check out some of the unusual attractions in Malaysia, listed below, for a unique travel experience.

1. Bangkok in Malaysia

In the Penang region of Georgetown lies Wat Chaiya Mangkalaram, a Thai temple. You might almost think you are in Bangkok when you visit this Thai temple in Malaysia.

2. All things cats at the Kuching Cat Museum

Love cats? Then, you would be delighted visiting the Cat Museum in Kuching, the capital of Sarawak. You will find memorials, paintings, and stuffed dolls of cats kept on display in this unique museum.

3. A haunting time at the ghost museum

Don’t just stop at the cat museum. There’s also a ghost museum for you to check out in Penang. Up for a bit of fright? Come to Malaysia and have a thrilling time at this one-of-a-kind attraction.

4. Snake Temple

The Temple of the Azure Cloud is another unique destination to visit in Malaysia. This temple, built in the 1800s, is filled with pit vipers. While the snakes are believed to be harmless because of the sacred smoke you will find in the temple; they are also de-venomed as a safety measure. Tourists are warned against picking the snakes up to take pictures though.

5. B&B at a museum

Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion serves as both bed and breakfast facility as well as a museum. This place is popularly known as the Blue Mansion, and it was built in the 1880s.

6. Dine-in absolute darkness

Dining in the Dark Restaurant in Bukit Bintang is where you get to dine in absolute darkness. The waiters lead you to your table, and you can enjoy your dinner in darkness while focusing on the other senses.

7. The fantastic Gunung Mulu National Park

Gunung Mulu National Park has sharp limestone spires offering majestic and breathtaking features for hikers and trekkers. There are tropical rainforests, waterfalls, and caves below these spires for you to marvel at.

8. Fishy business at Kuala Selangor

Kuala Selangor is a fishing village located near Kuala Lumpur. Here you can visit the Firefly Park Resort, home of the biggest firefly colonies in Asia.

9. Take a dip in the Banjaran Hot Springs

Banjaran Hot Springs is located amidst limestone hills, lush rainforests, and gurgling waterfalls. Take a dip in these waters that are known to have medicinal and wellness properties.

10. The charming holiday village of Bukit Tinggi

Bukit Tinggi is situated at 800 meters above sea level. The cool breeze here will help you feel relaxed and rejuvenated.

Just as you apply for personal loan to meet emergency expenses, you can also apply for a loan for travel now for that long overdue visit to Malaysia. Choosing Tata Capital for a travel loan will be a wise decision for the convenience and benefits it offers. Make sure you check your personal loan eligibility before you apply for a personal loan though.

These unique Malaysian attractions must have certainly got you excited about your next holiday. Check your travel loan eligibility today and start planning for your trip already.