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Tata Capital > Blog > Personal Use Loan > How Can a Personal Loan Help You During Cash Crunch?

Personal Use Loan

How Can a Personal Loan Help You During Cash Crunch?

How Can a Personal Loan Help You During Cash Crunch?

Cash crunch is a real problem that most of us face. After all, our expenses are galore, and means are only limited. Our aspirations are huge, but modes to fund them aren’t as many. Besides, there are emergency situations, too, when we are in need of funds.

The best way to handle a cash crunch is by taking a personal loan so that you don’t have to lead a miserly life all the time. A personal loan is a great way to fund immediate cash deficiencies without having to touch your savings or breaking your fixed deposits. Breaking your cash savings should be out of the question because you never know when you might need them in the future, and breaking a fixed deposit before the end of its term leads to penalties. So, these are no options at all. Taking a loan from a family member or a friend comes with its own obligations and stigmas, so it’s best to avoid. Therefore, taking personal loans is the best option that you should go for during a cash crunch or when you need a lump sum money. Let’s look at a few scenarios where a personal loan can help you during a cash crunch.

A medical emergency:

Medical emergencies often come unannounced, and suddenly you may be in need for a lot of cash. It could be for surgery, or for going to another city or even out of the country for treatment. While medical insurance will cover only the surgery cost, what about the cost of staying in another city for treatment? And what if your medical insurance isn’t enough, or you don’t have medical insurance? That’s when a personal loan for medical emergency will come in handy. With a personal loan, you can fund all other expenses over and above your surgery or treatment without having to compromise on your health.

A wedding:

Weddings are usually planned events. You can make a budget in advance and take a call whether you have all the funds needed to hold the wedding. Weddings are also a time when you need a lump sum cash. If you are running short of cash, you can immediately apply for a personal loan.

These days reputed banks and financial institutions such as Tata Capital allow you to apply for personal loan for marriage online on their website itself. So, you wouldn’t even have to visit the bank or financial institution to apply for the loan amid all the wedding preparations. You can even fill up the application form online, or representatives will come at your doorstep to take all your documents and application form. The interest on the personal loan at trusted financial institutions such as Tata Capital is at 11.25 per cent only, so it will not pinch your pocket either, and you can slowly pay it off over one to six years. Now, once your loan is approved and the amount is disbursed into your account, you can buy that designer lehenga or sherwani of your choice, book that beach venue, call the best caterers and have a multi-cuisine menu, and basically do everything that you ever dreamt of for your wedding.


It’s your dream to tour Europe or visit the Universal Studios but lack of funds is holding you back? Don’t let that happen. Whether you are 22 or 58, you have all the right to fulfil your dreams and explore the world. Apply for a personal loan for travel now and give wings to your dreams. With personal loans there is really no restriction about what you do with it so you can go anywhere you like, eat the best of world cuisine, go bungee jumping, scuba diving, skydiving… there is really no limit to what you can do when you have a personal loan to fund all your expenses. Decide upon your destination, make a budget and then apply for a personal loan in advance, so that when you head out on your journey, you have enough cash in hand.

Now, does that give you a clear idea about how personal loan can help during cash crunch? So, worry not, whenever in need of cash, simply go to trusted websites of financial institutions such as Tata Capital, and immediately apply for a personal loan through easy and simple steps.

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