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Tata Capital > Blog > Medical Loan > How to Finance your Lasik Eye Surgery?

Medical Loan

How to Finance your Lasik Eye Surgery?

How to Finance your Lasik Eye Surgery?

If you wear glasses, you’re well aware of the problems that come with them. You can’t play sports with them on. Besides, sweat or vapour can make wearing them inconvenient. Contacts might solve the wearability problem, but they also require constant maintenance.

This is why you might have considered getting surgery to correct your vision in the first place. And if you’re like most people, you’re probably considering getting LASIK (Laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis) surgery.

This blog covers all you need to know about the surgery and tips on financing the operation. Let’s get right into it.

What you should know about LASIK surgery

LASIK laser eye surgery uses a laser to improve vision and is known to solve conditions like nearsightedness, astigmatism, and farsightedness as well. Usually a 30-minute procedure, LASIK surgery helps most people gain nearly perfect vision. The only caveat? It is often costly, and getting one done requires some financial planning on your part. So how much does the LASIK laser eye surgerycost? Well, read on to find out.

LASIK surgery cost in India varies depending on where you get the surgery done, the professionals doing it, the location, the facilities used, and much more. On average, the LASIK laser eye surgery can cost between Rs. 35,000 to Rs. 1,35,000 for both eyes.

And that alone drives most people away from getting the surgery. Thankfully, there are ways to finance LASIK surgery without burning a hole in your pocket. Let’s explore a few of them.

List the options available to cover the LASIK surgery cost in India

#1. Debit card monthly instalments

One of the easiest ways to cover the high LASIK surgery cost in India is through debit card monthly instalments. So, check if your bank allows debit card EMI payments. Usually, the details of this facility are readily available on your banking partner’s website.

Debit card EMIs have several benefits, including no-charge EMIs, minimal documentation, and instant disbursement of funds. The caveat? These often come with spending limits. So ensure you have a sufficient spending limit to cover the LASIK surgery costs.

#2. Credit card monthly instalments

Another way to cover LASIK surgery costs in India is using a credit card EMI facility. Here you can pay for the LASIK eye surgery procedure in the form of monthly instalments using your credit card. Once again, you’ll find all the details you need to make this conversion, as well as the terms of the payment on your banking partner’s website.

#3. Employer assistance

If you work at a reputed company that bears medical expenses from time to time. So, check with your company’s HR if the employer assistance covers LASIK surgery costs in India as well. This way, you won’t have to burn a hole in your pocket in order to correct your vision.

#4. Medical loan

The last and perhaps the most effective way of financing your LASIK surgery cost in India is through a medical loan. And here’s why.

Unlike debit card or credit card EMI facilities, these don’t have any spending limits attached to them. So, you can get a medical loan to cover your LASIK eye surgery procedure, medication, and aftercare costs.

Besides, today you can apply for a medical loan online at any reputed financial institution. The application process is quick and easy, and many banks have easy-to-meet eligibility requirements. All you need to do then is furnish the necessary documents to get the loan amount approved. Once that is done, the funds are swiftly disbursed to your linked bank account. It’s really that simple!

Now that you know the various ways to cover your LASIK surgery costs, just choose the mode you prefer to pay for it.

However, if you’re looking for a reputed medical loan provider to cover your LASIK eye surgery and aftercare, turn to Tata Capital. We offer all-inclusive medical loans that cover hospitalisation costs, LASIK surgery costs, and even post-care costs. The best part? You can avail of loans at affordable interest rates and flexible terms, and you can pay off the EMIs after getting the LASIK surgery without burning a hole in your pocket.