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Tata Capital > Blog > COVID-19 > Finance Solutions > How to use a business loan effectively after the lockdown ends?

Finance Solutions

How to use a business loan effectively after the lockdown ends?

How to use a business loan effectively after the lockdown ends?

The COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent lockdown has been emotionally, physically, and financially hard on people. Many have lost jobs while some have had to go through pay-cuts. While salaried individuals struggle with a limited source of income, the lockdown presents a lot more hardships for business owners. A person running a business is not just responsible for his/her income but may also be accountable for paying employees and investors. A viable option to get a business up and running after the lockdown ends is by taking a loan for business. 

Uses of a business loan after the lockdown:

Make up for the lost inventory: Businesses like retail or wholesale stores that engage in buying and selling of goods may need to replenish their stock as soon as the lockdown ends. They may see a spike in orders as many people will try to cover up by ordering more. An instant business loan can be used to cover the costs of new inventory and allow the business to refuel its operations.

Refinance other accumulated debt: Despite the lockdown, many entrepreneurs have not stopped paying their employees’ salaries. Many businesses have also incurred heavy losses with a fall in sales contributing to the overall debt. One can take advantage of the competitive business loan interest rate and refinance all debt with a single loan.

Refinance other debts

Make a website: The lockdown has made it evident that the future lies in the digital world. Companies can use the loan effectively to build a website for the business that can be used later for running daily tasks like accepting orders, assigning work to employees, and more.

Marketing and advertising: One of the best ways to help a business get back on its feet is through advertising and marketing. However, this can be expensive. Quick business loans can help cover such costs and help bring more visibility to a business.

Think long-term: Getting a business loan online is a smooth and hassle-free process. The loan applicant can have the funds credited to the company’s account in no time. However, a sudden surplus of money can sometimes be used ineffectively. Therefore, it is essential to have a comprehensive budget in place that takes care of all long-term business needs while avoiding wastage of money. 

Additional Read: Benefits of using a Business Loan after Lockdown ends


It is hard to predict when the lockdown is likely to be lifted and to what measures will businesses be able to take to run operations smoothly. This uncertainty can further give rise to more financial anxiety. A business loan can help entrepreneurs tackle some of this uncertainty with a well-structured finance model. It can help both big and small companies to get back up on their feet.

If you need funds for your business after the lockdown ends, you can reach out to Tata Capital and apply for business loan at attractive interest rates and convenient tenures.

Additional Read: COVID-19 Outbreak: Ways To Manage Cash Flow for your Small & Medium Businesses