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What Is A Gift Deed? Definition And Uses


A Gift Deed is a legal document used to transfer ownership of immovable or movable property from one person (the donor) to another (the donee) without any monetary consideration. It acts as proof of the transfer of property and ensures that it is legally binding. In India, the Transfer of Property Act 1882 governs gift deeds, specifying the conditions and requirements for their validity.

Understanding Gift Deeds:

A gift deed can be used for both immovable and movable properties. Immovable property refers to anything attached to the land or earth, excluding grass, growing crops, and standing timber. On the other hand, movable properties are those that are not considered immovable.

To understand gift deeds better, let’s break down some key components:

1. Transfer of Property Act: The Transfer of Property Act 1882 covers gift deeds. According to this act, a gift deed must meet certain conditions to be valid:

– The property mentioned in the gift deed must exist at the time of making the gift.

– The donor must be the lawful owner of the property with a clear title.

– The gift must be voluntary and without any coercion.

– The gift must not involve any monetary or other forms of consideration.

– The donee must accept the gifted property.

2. Components of a Gift Deed: A gift deed consists of several clauses and essential details that need to be mentioned accurately:

– Transfer at free will: The deed should explicitly state that the transfer of the gifted property is being done willingly by the donor without any pressure or threat.

– Details of the Donor and Donee: The names, addresses, and relationship between the donor and donee should be mentioned clearly.

– Consideration: The deed should specify that the donor is gifting the property out of love towards the donee and will not take any monetary consideration in exchange.

– Details of the property: The dimensions, plan, and area details of the property should be mentioned to avoid ambiguity in the future.

– Property Rights of the Donee: The gift deed should outline the property rights of the donee, including their ability to sell, lease, or mortgage the property.

– Acceptance by the Donee: The acceptance of the gifted property by the donee must be explicitly mentioned in the deed.

– Witnesses: Two witnesses need to be present during the execution of a gift deed and their names and addresses should be mentioned.

3. Gift Deed Registration: To make a gift deed legally enforceable, it needs to be registered with the Registrar or Sub-registrar’s office. The registration process involves enumerating essential clauses on a stamp paper and paying the requisite stamp duty. The value of stamp duty varies from state to state in India.

Documents Required for Gift Deed Registration:

Now that you have an idea of what is a gift deed of the property, let’s look at what documents are required to Gift Deed Registration:

1. Original Gift Deed: The original gift deed needs to be submitted for registration.

2. ID Proof: Both donor and donee need to provide their ID proofs such as Aadhaar Card, PAN Card, etc.

3. Documents proving ownership: Documents like sale deeds or title deeds that establish the ownership of the property being gifted.

4. Passport size photographs: Photographs of both donor and donee are required.

5. ID proof of witnesses: Witnessing is required during registration; hence, their ID proofs are necessary.

6. Address proof of witnesses: Proof of address for both witnesses also needs to be provided.

Gift Deed vs Will: Understanding the Key Differences

While both gift deeds and wills involve transferring assets from one person to another, there are significant differences between them:

1. Transfer of Ownership:

– Gift Deed: In a gift deed, ownership is transferred immediately upon registration of the deed with the Registrar or Sub-registrar’s office.

– Will: In a will, ownership is transferred after the demise of the testator (person making the will).

2. Revocability:

– Gift Deed: A gift deed can be revoked during the lifetime of the donor under specific circumstances as per the Transfer of Property Act.

– Will: A will can be revised or revoked by the testator at any time before their demise.

3. Legal Validity:

– Gift Deed: A gift deed requires registration to be legally valid and enforceable.

– Will: A will only needs to be in writing and signed by the testator and witnesses to be legally valid.

Tax Implications on Gift Deeds:

The Income Tax Act 1961 governs tax implications on gifts in India. According to Section 56 of this act, if an individual receives a sum of more than Rs 50,000 as a gift from any person (excluding relatives), it is taxable under the head ‘Income from Other Sources’. However, there are exemptions based on different scenarios:

1. Gifts from Relatives: Gifts received from relatives are exempted from taxation. Relatives include parents, siblings, spouse, grandchildren, grandparents, etc.

2. Gifts on Marriage: Gifts received at the time of marriage are exempted from tax.

3. Gifts through Will or Inheritance: Gifts received through a will or by inheritance are also exempted.

4. Gifts from Local Authorities and Charitable Institutions: Certain gifts received from local authorities or registered charitable institutions are exempted.

5. Gifts for Educational or Medical Purposes: Gifts received for educational or medical purposes from specific entities are exempted.

6. Gifts to NGOs: Generally, stamp duty is not levied when gifting property to an NGO.

However, NGOs are required to register the property within four months of the transaction.

It is important to consult a tax advisor or accountant for specific details regarding tax implications on gift deeds.


A gift deed is a valuable legal instrument for transferring ownership of immovable or movable property without any consideration. By understanding the components, registration process, and tax implications, individuals can make informed decisions about gift deeds. It is crucial to consult legal professionals and follow the legal requirements outlined in the Transfer of Property Act 1882 when preparing and executing a gift deed.

To ensure a smooth transfer of assets, gather all necessary documents, including the original gift deed, ID proofs, property ownership documents, photographs, and witness details. Registering the gift deed with the appropriate authorities adds legal validity to the transfer.

If you have any further questions or require assistance with gift deeds or any other financial matters, it is always advisable to consult reputable professionals or financial institutions like Tata Capital. Tata Capital App can guide you through various financial transactions and provide you with suitable solutions for your needs.

Read more about personal finance topics and explore loan options with Tata Capital.

What Is the 50/30/20 Rule of Budgeting?

Budgeting is an essential tool for managing personal finances and achieving financial goals. With the rising costs of living, it has become increasingly important to create a budget that helps allocate income wisely. One popular budgeting rule that can provide a framework for managing your money is the 50/30/20 rule.

The 50/30/20 rule, also known as the budget rule 50 30 20 or the 50 20 30 rule of budgeting, was popularised by Senator Elizabeth Warren in her book “All Your Worth: The Ultimate Lifetime Money Plan”. This simple yet powerful rule suggests dividing your monthly after-tax income into three categories: needs, wants, and savings.

Understanding the 50/30/20 Rule

The foundation of the 50/30/20 rule lies in its allocation percentages. According to this rule, you should aim to spend around:

  1. 50% of your after-tax income on needs
  2. 30% on wants
  3. 20% on savings

Let us break down each category to understand them better.

Needs (50%)

Your needs refer to expenses that are essential for your survival. These expenses cannot be delayed or postponed as they cover necessities like housing, food, transportation, utilities, and healthcare. Meeting these needs is crucial for maintaining a stable lifestyle and avoiding financial difficulties.

Examples of needs include:

  1. Rent or mortgage payments
  2. Groceries
  3. Utility bills (electricity, water, internet)
  4. Transportation costs (fuel, public transport)
  5. Minimum debt payments (credit card bills, loan instalments)

It’s important to note that spending more than 50% of your income on needs can lead to financial strain. If you find yourself exceeding this threshold, it may be necessary to re-evaluate your expenses and identify areas where you can cut back.

Wants (30%)

Wants are expenses that go beyond your necessities. These are the things that bring pleasure and enhance your lifestyle but are not crucial for survival. While it is important to enjoy life, keeping your wants in check is essential for maintaining a healthy financial balance.

  1. Examples of wants include:
  2. Dining out
  3. Entertainment (movies, concerts)
  4. Subscription services (Netflix, Spotify)
  5. Shopping for non-essential items

Savings (20%)

The remaining 20% of your income should be allocated towards savings and investments. This category helps secure your financial future by building an emergency fund and working towards long-term goals such as retirement or buying a house.

Examples of savings include:

  1. Emergency fund
  2. Retirement contributions
  3. Investments
  4. Education funds
  5. Down payment for a home

By following the 50/30/20 rule, you ensure that you have a systematic approach to managing your finances. It allows you to prioritise essential expenses while also leaving room for enjoyment and saving for the future.

Benefits of the 50/30/20 Rule

The 50/30/20 rule offers several advantages when it comes to budgeting:

1. Simple and Practical: The rule is easy to understand and implement without complex calculations or budgeting software. You can start using it immediately by dividing your income into these three categories.

2. Financial Balance: By allocating specific percentages to different categories, the rule encourages you to strike a balance between spending on needs, wants, and savings. This prevents overspending and helps you stay within your means.

3. Expense Prioritisation: Following the 50/30/20 rule requires you to prioritise your expenses. By focusing on needs first, you develop better financial discipline and avoid impulsive spending on wants.

4. Long-term Goal Achievement: Allocating a portion of your income to savings allows you to work towards long-term goals, whether it is saving for retirement, buying a house, or sending your children to college.

5. Protection Against Emergencies: Creating an emergency fund with 20% of your income ensures that you have a safety net in case of unexpected events like medical emergencies or job loss.

How to Adopt the 50/30/20 Rule?

Implementing the 50/30/20 rule requires mindful planning and consistency. Here are some steps you can follow:

1. Track Your Expenses: Keep a record of your expenses for a month or two to understand where your money is going. Categorise them into needs, wants, and savings according to the 50/30/20 rule.

2. Evaluate Your Income: Calculate your after-tax income and determine how much falls into each category based on the rule’s percentages.

3. Identify Your Needs and Wants: Differentiate between essential expenses and discretionary spending. This will help you make informed decisions when allocating funds.

4. Allocate Funds Wisely: Distribute your income based on the 50/30/20 rule’s percentages. Make sure to set aside enough for essential needs, limit spending on wants, and prioritise savings for future goals.

5. Consistency is Key: Stick to the rule every month, reviewing and adjusting as needed based on changes in income or expenses.

Example Scenarios

To illustrate how the 50/30/20 rule works in practice, let us consider a few scenarios:

1. Rajesh earns a monthly after-tax income of Rs. 60,000. According to the rule, he should allocate:

– Rs. 30,000 (50%) towards needs

– Rs. 18,000 (30%) towards wants

– Rs. 12,000 (20%) towards savings

2. Priya’s monthly after-tax income is Rs. 1,00,000. Applying the rule, she should allocate:

– Rs. 50,000 (50%) towards needs

– Rs. 30,000 (30%) towards wants

– Rs. 20,000 (20%) towards savings

Learning about Financial Planning

Want to learn more about effective financial planning? Read more for valuable insights and tips on managing your finances responsibly. If you are ready to take the next step in achieving your financial goals, explore Tata Capital’s range of consumer loans and wealth management services. Remember, with the 50/30/20 rule, you can take charge of your finances and pave the way for a secure future.


The 50/30/20 rule of budgeting provides a simple yet effective framework for managing your finances and achieving your financial goals. By categorising your income into needs, wants, and savings, you can gain control over your money while ensuring you meet essential expenses and save for the future.

Remember to use the budget rule 50 30 20 or the 50 20 30 rule of budgeting consistently every month to maintain a healthy financial balance. The rule empowers you to make informed decisions about your spending habits and work towards long-term prosperity. You can download the Tata Capital App to apply for any loan requirements.

What is credit history?

When it comes to managing your finances, understanding your credit history is essential. Your credit history plays a crucial role in determining your financial health and can impact your ability to secure loans, mortgages, and even credit cards. In this article, we will delve into the concept of credit history, its significance, and how it can affect your financial future.

Meaning of  Credit History:

Credit history refers to a record of your borrowing and repayment activities over time. It provides lenders with valuable insights into your financial behavior and helps them assess your creditworthiness. Your credit history includes information about your credit accounts, such as credit cards, loans, and mortgages, as well as your payment history and any outstanding debts.

The Importance of Credit History

A strong credit history is crucial for various financial endeavors. Whether you’re applying for a personal loan, a home loan, or even a credit card, lenders will often review your credit history to determine your creditworthiness. A positive credit history demonstrates your ability to manage debt responsibly and increases your chances of getting approved for favorable loan terms and interest rates.

Building a Good Credit History

Building a good credit history requires responsible financial habits and consistent repayment of your debts. Here are a few tips to help you establish and maintain a positive credit history:

  1. Pay your bills on time: Timely payment of credit card bills, loan installments, and other debts is crucial to maintaining a good credit history.
  2. Keep your credit utilization low: Ideally, try to keep your credit utilization below 30% of your available credit limit. This shows lenders that you are using credit responsibly.
  3. Avoid unnecessary debt: Be mindful of taking on excessive debt. Only borrow what you need and can comfortably repay.
  4. Monitor your credit report: Regularly check your credit report for any errors or discrepancies. Reporting and resolving inaccuracies can help protect your credit history.

Understanding Credit Score

Your credit score is a numerical representation of your creditworthiness and is calculated based on various factors, including your credit history. It is an essential component that lenders consider when evaluating your loan applications. A higher credit score indicates lower credit risk, making it easier for you to secure loans at favorable interest rates.check your credit score.

Bad Credit History

A bad credit history refers to a record of poor financial management. It may include late payments, defaults, or even bankruptcy. Having a bad credit history can significantly impact your ability to obtain credit or loans in the future. Lenders may view you as a high-risk borrower, leading to higher interest rates or even rejection of credit applications.

If you have a bad credit history, it’s essential to take steps to improve it. This may include making timely payments, reducing outstanding debts, and seeking professional help if needed. Over time, with responsible financial habits, you can work towards rebuilding your credit history.

How Tata Credit Cards Can Help

Tata Capital offers a range of credit cards designed to cater to different financial needs. By using a Tata Credit Card responsibly and making timely payments, you can not only build a positive credit history but also enjoy various benefits such as cashback, rewards, and discounts on purchases.


In conclusion, credit history plays a vital role in your financial journey. It provides lenders with valuable insights into your borrowing and repayment habits, influencing their decision to grant you credit. By understanding credit history, building a good credit score, and utilizing products like Tata Credit Cards responsibly, you can pave the way to financial success.

Remember, maintaining a positive credit history requires discipline, responsible financial habits, and regular monitoring of your credit report. By doing so, you can unlock better financial opportunities and achieve your goals.

Understanding Insolvency: Causes, Effects, and Solutions

Insolvency is a word that often strikes fear into the hearts of individuals and businesses alike. It’s a state where debts become a mountain too high to climb, where bills pile up, and financial obligations seem impossible to meet. But what exactly is insolvency, and more importantly, what can you do if you find yourself facing this daunting situation? Let’s break it down in a way that’s easy to understand and navigate.

What Is Insolvency?

In simple terms, insolvency occurs when a person or an organization can’t pay their debts when they’re due. It’s not just about being in a tight spot financially; it’s when your liabilities exceed your assets, and there seems to be no way out. This condition can lead to legal outcomes like bankruptcy, but it’s important to remember that it doesn’t happen overnight. It’s often the result of prolonged financial issues.

Why Does Insolvency Happen?

There are several reasons why an individual or a business might become insolvent. Let’s explore some of the most common causes:

Mismanaging Finances

One of the primary culprits of insolvency is poor financial management. This could mean spending more than you’re earning, not keeping track of expenses, or making risky investments without a safety net.

Economic Challenges

Sometimes, insolvency is caused by factors beyond our control, such as a recession, a downturn in the market, or a global pandemic that affects income and job security.

Unexpected Life Events

Life is unpredictable. Unforeseen events like a medical emergency, a sudden job loss, or a natural disaster can disrupt even the most well-planned finances, leading to insolvency.

The Impact of Being Insolvent

The effects of insolvency can be far-reaching:

Legal and Financial Repercussions

If you’re unable to resolve your debts, you might face legal actions like bankruptcy. This can have a significant impact on your financial freedom and future prospects.

Credit Score and Borrowing Power

Your credit score takes a hit when you’re insolvent, which makes it harder to get loans or credit in the future. It’s a cycle that can be tough to break out of.

Finding Your Way Out of Insolvency

All is not lost if you find yourself in this situation. There are several strategies that can help:

Restructuring Your Debts

One approach is to negotiate with creditors to restructure your debts. This might mean getting more time to pay or reducing the overall amount you owe.

Getting Professional Advice

Financial advisors can offer invaluable guidance tailored to your unique situation, helping you make informed decisions.

Preventive Measures for a Healthier Financial Future

Prevention is better than cure, especially when it comes to financial health:

Smart Budgeting and Planning

Creating a realistic budget and sticking to it is the first step in avoiding financial pitfalls.

Emergency Funds

  1. Having a financial cushion for unexpected expenses can keep you from falling into the trap of insolvency.
  2. For predictable expenses like vacations, consider a travel loan to avoid dipping into your savings or emergency fund.
  3. Credit cards can be a great financial tool if used responsibly. They can help build your credit score and offer rewards, but it’s important to use them wisely to avoid falling into debt.

Conclusion: Taking Control of Your Financial Health

Insolvency can feel overwhelming, but it’s not the end of the road. With the right approach and resources, you can navigate through these challenges and emerge financially stronger. Remember, the key is to act early, seek advice, and make informed decisions.

If you’re grappling with financial challenges and considering options like personal or travel loans, our experts are here to help. Visit Tata Capital for more information on how we can assist you in regaining your financial stability.

How to Update Mobile Number in Aadhaar Card

For an Indian citizen, the importance of an Aadhaar card cannot be overstated. No matter where you go in the country, it is your best proof of identity.

From availing government services to opening a demat account, this identity card is used to verify your authenticity in every sphere of life. Needless to say, keeping the Aadhaar card updated should be a no-brainer.

Wondering how to update your Aadhaar-linked mobile number? We’ve got you covered. In this article, we will demystify the process of Aadhaar card mobile number update online.

Importance of updating your mobile number in Aadhaar

Updating your mobile number linked with Aadhaar is essential for several critical reasons:

1. For identification and verification:

Linking your Aadhaar with your mobile number aids in confirming your identity as a SIM card user. This plays a key role in maintaining the legitimacy of mobile subscribers. It also helps in preventing the misuse of mobile numbers by individuals engaged in fraudulent activities.

2. For ease of access:

Having your Aadhaar linked with your primary mobile number can facilitate easy accessibility. Numerous government services, like the ones found in the Umang app, can be utilised efficiently if your active phone number is linked to your Aadhaar. In some cases, certain government services are not accessible if your phone number is not linked to Aadhaar.

3. To adhere to regulatory requirements:

Mobile service providers are mandated to link mobile numbers with Aadhaar following guidelines set by the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) and other regulatory bodies. This compliance helps maintain a secure and trustworthy telecommunication environment.

How to update mobile number in Aadhaar card offline

You have the liberty to update your mobile number in your Aadhaar card through offline and online means. To update it offline, follow these steps:

Step 1: Visit Aadhaar Seva Kendra

Go to your nearest Aadhaar Seva Kendra. These centres are established across India to provide Aadhaar-related assistance.

Step 2: Bring the necessary documents

Make sure to carry these documents with you:

1. Your original Aadhaar card for verification.

2. A government-issued photo ID like a Passport, Voter ID, or PAN card.

3. A valid document for address proof, such as a Passport, Voter ID, utility bill, etc.

Step 3: Undergo biometric authentication

Fill up and submit the Aadhaar update form along with your documents. The staff will verify your identity using biometric methods like fingerprint and iris scanning.

Step 4: Update your mobile number

Inform the executive of your new mobile number to be updated in the Aadhaar system.

Step 5: Receive acknowledgement slip

After completing the process, you will get an acknowledgement slip with a URN (Update Request Number) for tracking the update status.

How to update mobile number in Aadhaar card online?

If you wish to update your Aadhaar-linked mobile number online, follow these 5 steps:

Step 1: Access the official UIDAI web portal.

Step 2: Click on “Update Aadhaar” under the “My Aadhaar” tab. This takes you to the Aadhaar Update Service Portal.

Step 3: Type in your Aadhaar number to receive an OTP (One-Time Password).

Step 4: Choose the “Mobile Number” option, enter your new number, and confirm it using the OTP sent to your current number.

Step 5: Finalize by entering the OTP and submitting your update request. An acknowledgement with a URN (Update Request Number) will be provided for tracking the update.

How to check Aadhaar card mobile number update status?

Aadhaar card status can be checked online in two ways. One utilises an Enrolment ID, while the other uses your Aadhaar number. You can choose any of these two methods and follow these steps:

1. Using Enrolment ID: If you have requested an update at an Aadhaar Enrolment or Update Centre and have an Enrolment ID (EID), follow these steps:

Step 1: Find your 28-digit EID on the acknowledgement slip. It includes a 14-digit enrolment number and a 14-digit date & time stamp.

Step 2: Visit UIDAI’s official website.

Step 3: Enter your EID and the captcha code.

Step 4: Submit to view the status. If your Aadhaar has been updated, you will see an option to download it.

2. Using your Aadhaar number: If the update request was made online, then its status is checked by using your Aadhaar number:

Step 1: Go to the UIDAI website’s update status page: ‘Check Update Status’.

Step 2: Enter your 12-digit Aadhaar number.

Step 3: Complete the Captcha verification to view the status of your update request.

Services requiring a mobile number linked with an Aadhaar card

Linking your mobile number with your Aadhaar card is essential for accessing multiple Aadhaar-related services, such as:

1. mAadhaar app: Access the official mobile application for Aadhaar.

2. Online Aadhaar services: Access all Aadhaar facilities available online.

3. PAN Card application: Apply for a new PAN card or request a reprint online.

4. DigiLocker: Securely store and access digital documents.

5. Mutual Fund linking: Link your Aadhaar with mutual fund investments.

6. Umang app: Access multiple Government services.

7. Online EPF claims and withdrawals: Manage your Employee Provident Fund (EPF) online.

To Sum Up

Ensuring your Aadhaar card is linked to an up-to-date mobile number is essential for accessing certain government services. Although you can update your number at a nearby Aadhaar enrolment centre, the digitised process ensures a more efficient and hassle-free experience.

Up-to-date Aadhaar details can come in handy when opting for financial services, like a personal loan. An Aadhaar card is a crucial personal loan document required to opt for a loan with Tata Capital.

Offering competitive personal loan interest rates, a seamless application process, and quick fund disbursement, Tata Capital is your best option to apply for a personal loan. Calculate your requirements today with our personal loan EMI calculator.

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PAN Aadhaar Link – How to link Aadhaar Card with PAN Card

In India, linking your Permanent Account Number (PAN) with Aadhaar is a legal mandate. This mandate ensures financial integrity and transparency in the country. This process ensures your financial transactions align with your identity, aiding in tax compliance and preventing identity fraud. Failure to link these crucial documents can result in your PAN becoming non-operational, disrupting your financial transactions and tax submissions.

This article helps you navigate the process of linking your PAN with Aadhaar, to help you ensure compliance with Indian financial laws.

Why Link PAN with Aadhaar?

Your Permanent Account Number (PAN) serves as a unique identifier for financial transactions and tax-related activities in India. It’s essential for opening bank accounts, receiving taxable salary, and conducting high-value transactions. On the other hand, Aadhaar is a universal identity proof. It is a 12-digit unique identity number that links to your biometrics.

PAN Aadhaar link mandate is a strategic move by the government to create a more cohesive financial system. By connecting your PAN with Aadhaar, the authorities ensure a seamless verification of identity and financial transactions. It’s a measure towards establishing a more transparent and accountable financial environment.

Linking your PAN with your Aadhaar also simplifies the process of filing your taxes. It also makes your financial footprint more secure and transparent.

How to Link PAN with Aadhaar Online

The Indian government has simplified the process to link PAN with Aadhaar. This online procedure is not only efficient but also user-friendly, allowing you to link these crucial documents from the comfort of your home or office. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you complete this essential task with ease.

Step 1: Visit the Income Tax Department’s official e-filing website. This portal is the primary online platform for all tax-related activities, including the linking of PAN and Aadhaar.

Step 2: If you are a new user, register yourself on the portal using your PAN. If you are already registered, simply log in using your credentials.

Step 3: Once logged in, go to the ‘Profile Settings’ tab and select the ‘Link Aadhaar’ option.

Step 4: In the provided fields, enter your Aadhaar number. Make sure that the name and date of birth on your Aadhaar match those on your PAN. Any discrepancy in details can lead to the rejection of the request.

Step 5: After entering your details, cross-check for accuracy. A small error can lead to the process being delayed or rejected. Once you are sure that all details are correct, submit your application.

Step 6: Upon submission, enter the OTP sent to your registered mobile number linked with your Aadhaar.

Step 7: After successful OTP verification, your request to link PAN with Aadhaar will be processed. You will receive a confirmation message on the portal and also, usually, via email or SMS.

Step 8: You can check the status of your linking request after a few days by revisiting the ‘Link Aadhaar’ section on the e-filing website.

Step 9: Once you receive confirmation that your PAN and Aadhaar are linked, keep a record of the confirmation for future reference. This might be useful for any financial or legal verifications in the future.

Checking PAN Aadhaar Link Status

After you have initiated the process to link PAN with Aadhaar, it is important to check the PAN Aadhaar link status. This step ensures that your request has been acknowledged and processed correctly by the authorities. Tracking the status of your linking request helps in identifying any issues early so that you can submit another request on time.

Here’s how you can check the status:

Step 1: Access the official Income Tax Department e-filing website. This is the same platform where you initially requested the linkage of your PAN and Aadhaar.

Step 2: On the website’s homepage, navigate to ‘Status’ under the ‘Quick Links’ section.

Step 3: You will be prompted to enter your PAN and Aadhaar numbers.

Step 4: After entering your details, submit the request to view your PAN Aadhaar link status. The status displayed will inform you whether your PAN and Aadhaar have been successfully linked or if there are any discrepancies or issues that need to be addressed.

Step 5: If your status shows that the linking is not yet successful, or if there are discrepancies, take the necessary steps to resolve these issues. This may involve correcting any mismatched information in your PAN or Aadhaar records and reinitiating the linking process.

PAN Aadhaar Link Verification

Verifying your PAN Aadhaar Link Check is the final step in the linking process. To verify, visit the Income Tax e-Filing portal. Log in and navigate to the ‘Link Aadhaar’ section. Here, you can view the status of your link request.

A successful verification will show your PAN and Aadhaar as linked, confirming that your financial records are now synchronised and compliant with the legal requirements. This verification ensures the authenticity and effectiveness of your financial engagements.

Common Issues

While completing the PAN Aadhaar link online, users often encounter certain common issues. The most frequent problem is a mismatch in personal details between PAN and Aadhaar, such as differences in name spelling or date of birth. Another issue is technical glitches on the website, like server downtime or slow response.

To resolve these, ensure that your PAN and Aadhaar details match perfectly and try accessing the website during non-peak hours.

Final Thoughts

Navigating the process of linking your PAN with Aadhaar is crucial for staying compliant with Indian financial regulations. Ensuring that your financial documents are in order is a key aspect of maintaining a healthy financial profile. Just like the ease and importance of the PAN Aadhaar link, managing your finances efficiently is equally vital.

In this context, Tata Capital Personal Loans is a reliable solution for your diverse financial needs. Whether it’s for an unexpected expense, a dream vacation, or funding education, Tata Capital offers flexible and easy-to-avail personal loans.

With our commitment to hassle-free processes and customer-centric services, Tata Capital ensures that your financial journey is smooth. Visit the Tata Capital website today to know more!

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How to Fill Aadhaar Enrollment Form?

The Aadhaar enrollment form is your first step in registering for an Aadhaar card, a document that has become indispensable for Indian residents. It not only serves as proof of identity and address but also as a key to accessing various government schemes and services. 

Filling out this form accurately is essential for a smooth enrollment process, ensuring all your details are correctly captured for your Aadhaar card. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of completing the Aadhaar enrollment form, providing helpful tips, and outlining the common pitfalls to avoid. 

Sections in the Aadhaar enrollment form

The Aadhaar Enrollment Form is a document for Indian residents to apply for an Aadhaar card, a 12-digit unique identity number issued by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI). This form captures vital personal information required for Aadhaar enrollment, including demographic and biometric data. Key sections of the form include:

-Personal details: This section requires basic information like your name, date of birth, gender, address, and contact details.

-Parent/guardian details: For minors, details of the parent or guardian are required.

-Biometric information: Although not filled out in the form, biometric data like fingerprints and iris scans are collected at the enrollment centre.

-Declaration and consent: This part involves declaring that all information provided is accurate and consenting to share this data with UIDAI for Aadhaar generation.

Step-by-step guide for Aadhaar card application

Completing the Aadhaar Enrollment process involves several crucial steps. Here’s a detailed breakdown:

1. Get the Aadhaar enrollment form

The first step is to obtain the Aadhaar Enrollment Form. You can download it from the UIDAI website or collect it from your nearest Aadhaar enrollment centre. This form is free of charge.

2. Fill in the required details

The form requires personal information including your full name, date of birth, gender, address, and contact details. Make sure to fill out the Aadhaar form details accurately, as they will be reflected on your Aadhaar card. If the applicant is a minor, parent/guardian details must be provided. The form also includes a section for optional details like email and mobile number, which are useful for receiving updates on your Aadhaar status.

3. Attach supporting documents

You need to provide proof of identity, address, and date of birth. These could include documents like PAN card, passport, voter ID, etc. Make sure to attach self-attested photocopies of these documents with the form. The list of acceptable documents is available on the UIDAI website and should be reviewed carefully to ensure compliance.

4. Visit the nearest Aadhaar centre

Locate the nearest Aadhaar enrollment centre through the UIDAI website and visit with your completed form and documents. It’s recommended to visit early or check if the centre allows appointments to avoid long wait times.

5. Biometric data capture

At the centre, an authorised person will capture your biometric data, including fingerprints, an iris scan, and a photograph. This biometric data capture is critical as it forms the basis for your unique identification.

6. Get the acknowledgement slip

After your data is submitted, you will receive an acknowledgement slip with an enrollment ID (EID). Keep it safe to track the application status.

7. Track the status

You can track the status of your Aadhaar application online through the UIDAI website using the EID provided on the acknowledgement slip. The status tracking feature helps you stay informed about the progress of your Aadhaar application.

How to track the Aadhaar enrollment form status?

After a successful Aadhaar form submission, you can track its status online by following these steps:

Step 1: Visit UIDAI’s official website.

Step 2: Click on the ‘My Aadhaar’ tab and select ‘Check Aadhaar Status’ under ‘Get Aadhaar.’

Step 3: Click on ‘Check Enrollment and Update Status.’

Step 4: Enter your enrollment ID and captcha and click on ‘Submit.’

Step 5: Your Aadhar enrollment form status will be displayed.

Things to consider when filling out the Aadhaar enrollment form

Filling out the Aadhaar enrollment form accurately is crucial for a smooth registration process. Here are some important things to consider while completing the form:

1. Accuracy of personal information

Make sure that all personal details like name, date of birth, gender, and address are accurate and match the details in your supporting documents. Any discrepancy can lead to delays or rejection of the application.

2. Clarity in writing

Fill out the form in a clear handwriting. Unclear or illegible writing can lead to incorrect data entry, causing issues with your Aadhaar details.

3. Correct document submission

Attach self-attested copies of the correct documents for proof of identity, address, and date of birth as per the list approved by UIDAI. Make sure that these documents are valid and up-to-date.

4. Consent and declaration

Read the consent and declaration section carefully before signing. This section typically involves consenting to share your information with UIDAI and affirming the accuracy of the information provided.

5. Providing contact details

While providing a mobile number and email address is optional, it is recommended to include them for receiving updates regarding your Aadhaar application and for future ease of use in services that require Aadhaar verification.

6. Verifying for completeness

Before submitting the form, verify that all required fields have been filled and that the form is complete. Incomplete forms can be rejected or cause delays in processing.

To wrap up

The Aadhaar card is one of the most important identity documents, opening doors to a host of services. By ensuring accuracy in your form, submitting the correct documents, and following the necessary steps diligently, you can navigate through the enrollment process efficiently. 

You can use your Aadhaar card to avail of several financial services, like personal loans. At Tata Capital, we accept Aadhaar cards as ID and address proof to process personal loan applications. Our loans are tailored to meet your unique financial needs and come with attractive personal loan interest rates and minimal personal loan documents required

You can also use our personal loan EMI calculator to calculate your potential EMIs. Visit our website to apply for a personal loan today.

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How To Link Aadhar Card to Bank Account

In recent years, India’s journey towards digitalisation has significantly changed how we manage personal identification and banking.

Central to this advancement has been the Aadhaar system, a crucial initiative for integrating the Indian populace into a unified banking system.

This has not only simplified identification but also ensured that every citizen, regardless of their background, has access to essential financial services. More than that, it also brings to the table certain financial benefits that make linking Aadhar to your bank account all the more worthwhile.

In this blog post, we’ll go over the Aadhar link to bank account process and the benefits that come with doing so.

Aadhar link to bank account: online methods

There are two ways you can carry out the Aadhar card linking process online – via internet banking or a mobile app.

To link your Aadhaar Card with your bank account through Internet banking, follow these general steps:

Step 1: Access your bank’s internet banking portal.

Step 2: Enter your username and password to log in.

Step 3: Navigate to the “Update Aadhaar with Bank Accounts (CIF)” option located under the “My Account” section.

Step 4: If required, enter your profile password for Aadhaar Registration.

Step 5: A new page will open where you need to enter your Aadhaar number twice for confirmation.

Step 6: After entering your Aadhaar details, click on the “Submit” button.

Step 7: Upon successful submission, you will receive a notification confirming the linkage of your Aadhaar with your bank account.

Aadhar link to bank account can also be done conveniently through your bank’s mobile app. Here’s a general guide on how to do it:

Step 1: Download your bank’s mobile banking app from the Google Play Store or the App Store.

Step 2: Open the app and log in using your account credentials (username and password). Complete any additional security verification checks if prompted.

Step 3: Navigate to the “Requests”, “Service”, or a similarly named section within the app.

Step 4: Look for an option titled “Link Aadhaar”, “Update Aadhaar Number”, or something along those lines.

Step 5: Select the bank account you wish to link with your Aadhaar.

Step 6: Enter your Aadhaar number. You may need to re-enter it for confirmation purposes.

Step 7: Agree to any relevant terms and conditions that are presented.

Step 8: Finalize the process by selecting “Update”, “Confirm”, or a similar option to complete the linking.

How to link your bank account with Aadhaar offline?

To link your Aadhaar with your bank account offline, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Visit your nearest bank branch.

Step 2: Make sure to carry your original Aadhaar card or e-Aadhaar.

Step 3: Once at the bank, fill in a letter of request provided by the bank for linking Aadhaar.

Step 4: Submit this request form along with a photocopy of your Aadhaar card.

Step 5: The bank will process your request and carry out the necessary verification.

Step 6: After the linking is completed, you will receive a confirmation SMS on your registered mobile number informing you of the status of your request.

If visiting your bank branch isn’t possible, you can also complete the Aadhar link to bank account process at an ATM. Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Visit your bank’s ATM and insert your debit card.

Step 2: Enter your ATM PIN when prompted.

Step 3: Select the “Services” or similar option from the ATM menu.

Step 4: Choose “Registrations” and then select “Aadhaar Registration” to initiate the linking process.

Step 5: Enter your 12-digit Aadhaar number. You might need to re-enter it for verification.

How to check the Aadhar link status?

To verify if your Aadhar link to bank account process is complete, follow these simple steps using the mAadhaar app:

Step 1: Start by installing and logging into the mAadhaar app on your smartphone.

Step 2: Select ‘Aadhaar-Bank Acc Link Status’ from the ‘My Aadhaar’ section in the app.

Step 3: Input your Aadhaar number and the security captcha displayed. Then, tap on ‘Request OTP’.

Step 4: You’ll receive an OTP on your registered mobile number. Enter this OTP and click ‘Verify’.

Benefits of linking Aadhaar card with your bank account

Linking your Aadhaar Card to your bank account offers a multitude of benefits, including:

Legal KYC Document: The Aadhaar Card serves as a recognized legal document for Know Your Customer (KYC) verification. This simplifies the process of opening new bank accounts, as it fulfils a key regulatory requirement.

Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT): Aadhar bank account linkage ensures the direct transfer of government subsidies for commodities like LPG, kerosene, and ration, straight into your account.

Efficient Disbursement of Government Schemes: Be it MNREGA wages, welfare payments, scholarships, or pensions, having your Aadhaar linked to your bank account enables direct and prompt disbursement of these benefits without any intermediaries.

Increased Transparency and Accountability: By linking Aadhaar to bank accounts, the flow of funds becomes more transparent and accountable, ensuring that the benefits reach the right people and minimising the possibility of leakages in public expenditure.

Nationwide Access through AEPS: The Aadhaar Enabled Payment System (AEPS) allows you to access your bank account from anywhere in India. This interoperable framework ensures that no matter where you are, your financial resources are just a fingerprint verification away.

Parting thoughts

Now that you’re aware of the multiple ways you can get Aadhar linked to your bank account, you can simplify many financial processes like credit card applications, opening a de-mat account, setting up UPI, and applying for loans.

Talking about loans, we at Tata Capital bring you affordable personal loan options that allow you to get the required funds quickly and without any hassles, thanks to our easy eligibility and simplified loan application process. Moreover, with affordable personal loan interest rates, easy eligibility, and flexible repayment schedules, you can manage your debt without any financial worries.

So, why wait? Check out our loan options on our website and apply today!

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How to Download Aadhar Card | How to Check Aadhaar Card Status | How to Change Name on Aadhaar Card After Marriage | How to Fill Aadhaar Enrollment Form | How to Get Loan on Aadhar Card | How to Link Aadhaar Card with PAN Card | How to Update Mobile Number in Aadhaar Card | 10000 Loan on Aadhar Card | 20000 Loan on Aadhar Card | 50000 Loan on Aadhar Card

What is PM SVANidhi Scheme?

Recently, the PM SVANidhi Scheme has emerged as a significant initiative by the Indian Government aimed at supporting the country’s bustling street vendors. This scheme is part of a broader endeavour to empower individuals in the informal sector, ensuring they have the necessary resources to thrive in their businesses.

In this article, we will delve into the details of the PM SVANidhi Scheme, its benefits, and how it intersects with other financial tools such as business loans, and the factors surrounding them like business loan documents required, interest rates, and the utility of a business loan EMI calculator.

Understanding the PM SVANidhi Scheme

The PM SVANidhi Scheme, or the Pradhan Mantri Street Vendor’s AtmaNirbhar Nidhi, was launched by the Indian Government as a part of the Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan.

The primary objective of this scheme is to provide affordable and accessible credit to street vendors across the nation. This initiative recognizes the vital role played by these small business owners in the economy and aims to support them, especially in the wake of challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Key Features of the Scheme

Scheme Extension: The PM SVANidhi Scheme, initially launched on June 1, 2020, has been extended up to December 2024, indicating the government’s commitment to long-term support for street vendors.

Beneficiary Criteria: Eligible participants include street hawkers vending in urban regions on and before March 24, 2020. This includes vendors from Meghalaya, which has its own Street Vendor Act.

Loan Amount: Vendors can avail of a working capital loan of up to Rs. 10,000, which is repayable in monthly instalments within a year.

Interest Subsidy: An interest subsidy of 7% per annum is provided, which is credited to the beneficiary’s account quarterly.

No Collateral: The loans under this scheme are unsecured, meaning there is no need for collateral.

Digital Incentives: There are additional incentives for digital transactions made by the borrowers.

Executing Ministry: The scheme is administered by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA), Government of India.

How to Apply for PM SVANidhi Scheme

Applying for the PM SVANidhi Scheme is a streamlined process designed to be as accessible as possible for street vendors. Here is an elaborate step-by-step guide on how to apply for this beneficial scheme:

Step 1: Determine Eligibility

Before applying, ensure you meet the eligibility criteria. You should be a street vendor operating in urban areas, including surrounding peri-urban/rural areas, and have been vending as of March 24, 2020.

Step 2: Gather Necessary Documents

Prepare the necessary documents, which typically include:

1. Identity Proof: Aadhaar Card, Voter ID, etc.

2. Address Proof: Aadhaar Card, utility bills, etc.

3. Vendor Licensing or Registration Documents, if available.

4. Bank Account Details.

5. A Certificate of Vending or Provisional Certificate from the Urban Local Body (ULB).

Step 3: Access the Official PM SVANidhi Portal

Visit the official PM SVANidhi portal. This portal is specifically designed for the scheme and provides all the necessary information and application facilities.

Step 4: Register and Fill in the Application

If you are a first-time user, you will need to register on the portal. After registration, log in using your credentials. Locate the application form for the PM SVANidhi Scheme and fill it out carefully with all the required details.

Step 5: Upload Required Documents

After filling out the application form, upload the necessary documents. Ensure that the documents are clear and legible to avoid any delays in the processing of your application.

Step 6: Review and Submit

Review your application and the uploaded documents for accuracy. Once you are satisfied that all information is correct, submit your application.

Step 7: Track Application Status

After submission, you can track the status of your application through the PM SVANidhi portal. Regularly check the portal for updates regarding your loan application status.

Step 8: Loan Disbursement

Once your application is approved, the loan amount will be disbursed to your bank account. The process is usually quick, ensuring that vendors receive timely financial support.

Step 9: Utilize the Loan and Repay as Scheduled

Utilize the loan for your business needs and adhere to the repayment schedule. Timely repayment of the loan can make you eligible for higher loan amounts in subsequent phases of the scheme.

Digital Transactions Incentives

The scheme incentivizes digital transactions, offering cashback for eligible transactions to encourage vendors to adopt digital payment methods. This initiative not only benefits the vendors financially but also integrates them into the digital economy, which is crucial for the modernization of small businesses.

Key Aspects of Digital Transaction Incentives

1 – Cashback Scheme: Street vendors are eligible for monthly cashback incentives based on the number of transactions they conduct digitally. This serves as a direct financial reward for adopting and consistently using digital payment methods.

2 – Eligibility for Cashback: To qualify for the cashback, vendors need to make a certain number of digital transactions every month. The number of transactions required to earn cashback may vary, and it’s designed to encourage a consistent habit of digital transactions.

3 – Scaling of Incentives: The cashback amount can increase with the number of transactions. This tiered structure motivates vendors to not only start using digital payments but to continue increasing their usage over time.

4 – Training and Support: To ensure that vendors can take advantage of this incentive, the scheme often includes provisions for training and support. This might involve helping vendors get access to digital payment tools, understanding how to use them, and troubleshooting common issues.

5 – Easy Accessibility: Digital transactions can be made through various modes such as UPI (Unified Payments Interface), QR codes, Digital Payment Apps, and other government-promoted digital payment methods, ensuring ease of use for vendors.

6 – Monitoring and Evaluation: The scheme includes mechanisms to monitor the number of digital transactions made by each vendor, ensuring that the incentives are distributed fairly and transparently.

Conclusion: Empowering Street Vendors for a Stronger Economy

the PM SVANidhi Scheme stands as a beacon of hope and support for the street vendors of India, offering them not just financial assistance but also a path towards greater financial literacy and inclusion. By simplifying access to credit, incentivizing digital transactions, and providing a streamlined application process, the scheme plays a crucial role in uplifting a vital sector of the economy. It exemplifies the government’s commitment to nurturing small-scale enterprises and integrating them into the formal financial ecosystem.

As street vendors and small business owners look towards expanding their horizons beyond the scope of the PM SVANidhi Scheme, they may find themselves in need of additional financial support. This is where Tata Capital steps in. Offering a diverse range of Business Loans tailored to meet the unique needs of each business, Tata Capital ensures that entrepreneurs have the necessary resources to grow and thrive.

With competitive business loan interest rates, a straightforward documentation process, and easy-to-use tools like the business loan EMI calculator, Tata Capital makes accessing financial services seamless and hassle-free. Whether it’s for scaling up operations, managing cash flow, or investing in new ventures, Tata Capital’s business loans provide the right financial solutions to help businesses reach their full potential.

Pongal 2024 – Know all about this festival

Embark on a vibrant journey through the heartwarming celebration of Pongal 2024, where every moment is a brushstroke on the canvas of India’s rich culture. Step into the kaleidoscope of colors and traditions that define this harvest festival, promising a magical experience that resonates with the pulse of the nation.

Pongal 2024 Dates and Significance:

Unravel the pages of the calendar to discover the precise dates of Pongal 2024 and the profound significance it holds in India’s agricultural and cultural tapestry. Delve into the historical context that makes Pongal a celebration of resilience, gratitude, and abundance.


  1. Pongal is typically celebrated from January 14 to January 17, marking the end of the winter solstice and the beginning of the harvest season.
  2. The festival has roots in ancient Tamil culture and is dedicated to the Sun God, expressing gratitude for a bountiful harvest.

Traditional Customs and Rituals:

Peek into the kitchens and courtyards where the magic of Pongal unfolds. Explore the intricate ceremonial cooking process, the symbolism behind each ritual, and the communal spirit that binds families and communities together.


  1. The Pongal dish is prepared using the newly harvested rice, jaggery, and other ingredients, symbolizing prosperity and abundance.
  2. is a time for families to come together, express gratitude, and seek blessings for the future


Regional Variations:

Embark on a virtual tour across India, where Pongal dons diverse regional flavors. From the exuberant Pongal Jallikattu in Tamil Nadu to the colorful Kolam decorations in Andhra Pradesh, witness the kaleidoscopic variety that defines Pongal celebrations.


  1. In Tamil Nadu, Pongal Jallikattu is a traditional bull-taming sport held as part of the festivities.
  2. In Andhra Pradesh, intricate Kolam designs are created using rice flour, adding an artistic touch to the celebrations.

Decorations and Clothing:

Immerse yourself in the visual feast of Pongal decorations. From vibrant rangolis adorning doorsteps to traditional attire donned during the festival, experience the visual spectacle that transforms the landscape into a celebration of colors.


  1. Rangolis are often made with rice flour, and the designs vary, incorporating symbols of prosperity and happiness.
  2. Traditional clothing like the Pavadai-Dhavani for women and the Veshti for men adds to the festive charm.

Pongal 2024 – A Glimpse into the Future:

Put on your visionary glasses and explore the potential evolution of Pongal celebrations in the future. Consider the impact of technology, changing lifestyles, and environmental consciousness on the festival’s dynamics.


  1. Explore how sustainable practices and eco-friendly initiatives might influence future Pongal celebrations.
  2. Discuss the role of technology in connecting families and friends during the festival, especially in the context of virtual gatherings.

Pongal Recipes and Culinary Delights:

Step into the culinary haven of Pongal. From the classic Ven Pongal to the sweet Sakkarai Pongal, explore a detailed collection of recipes that bring the flavors of Pongal to your kitchen.


  • Ven Pongal: A savory dish made with rice and lentils, seasoned with black pepper and cumin.
  • Sakkarai Pongal: A sweet rice pudding prepared with jaggery, ghee, and cashews.

Travel Tales During Pongal:

Ignite your wanderlust with tales of Pongal celebrations across different regions. Consider the prospect of travel loans to turn these dreams into a reality, exploring the cultural diversity of India during Pongal.

Celebrating Pongal in 2024

Current Trends:

Peek into the contemporary trends shaping Pongal celebrations in 2024. From eco-friendly initiatives to virtual gatherings, discover how tradition and modernity dance hand in hand during this festive season.

Current Trends:

  1. Explore how virtual Pongal celebrations have gained popularity, connecting people across geographical distances.
  2. Discuss the rising trend of eco-friendly decorations and sustainable practices during the festival.

Festival Fashion:

Unveil the fusion of tradition and trend in Pongal fashion. From traditional silk sarees to contemporary accessories, explore the myriad of fashion choices that add flair to Pongal celebrations.

Fashion Choices:

  • Traditional Silk Sarees: Explore the elegance of silk sarees adorned with vibrant colors and intricate designs.
  • Contemporary Accessories: Discover how modern accessories can complement traditional attire, adding a touch of flair.


Dive deeper into the lesser-known facets of Pongal, from unique regional rituals to the symbolism behind the festival’s intricate customs. Uncover hidden gems that add layers to your understanding of this grand celebration. As we bid adieu to the vibrant tapestry of Pongal 2024, let the echoes of tradition and unity resonate in your heart. The festival may conclude, but the memories and cultural richness linger on. Dreaming of hosting an unforgettable Pongal celebration? Explore Loans from Tata Capital.