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Climate Action

Ensuring environmental sustainability through projects and programs aimed at promoting, protecting and/or enhancing renewable energy, water security, biodiversity, and green practices.


The JalAadhar program aims to increase water security within a micro-watershed area by studying the topography and identifying high percolation spots where infrastructure like trenches, loose boulder structures, farm ponds and check-dams can be built to pause and harvest runoff rainwater to percolate into the groundwater and increase the groundwater levels.   Introduction of better farming techniques to optimise water usage through micro-irrigation, water resilient crops like millets, locally grown vegetables, etc. which in turn increases the income levels of the farmer families

Cumulatively, till date, 20,000+ ha area has been treated with trenches, farm ponds, desiltation of the naala, checkdams, etc. to harvest 20,000 lakh litres of water (equivalent to 2 Lakh water tankers each of 10,000-liter capacity) to impact 2.9+ lakh individuals. The project has brought 1000+ acres of farmland under micro-irrigation and converted 3800+ acres of waste to cultivable land and lastly, increased the groundwater levels by an average of 2 ft.


ha area treated


Lakh litres of water Harvested 


Lakh individual to impact


The Green Switch

Small hamlets in extremely remote locations are not connected to the power grid due to terrain challenges, unreliable electricity and/or challenges of servicing a small and remote cluster. Providing electricity to these locations is key for equitable development of all communities.

The Green Switch project aims to provide energy security to unelectrified homes and communities using a decentralised community owned solar micro off-grid model that powers the community for the very first time with reliable and clean energy. The unique model of community contribution and ownership is the success factor in bring self-sufficiency and self-reliance to sustain the project beyond the project years. Within this model, the capital expenditure of the solar micro-grid is funded by Tata Capital and the maintenance of the systems is paid for by the community members through a one-time joining fee and monthly electricity bills.

Since the past 8 years, 4100+ houses in 79 tribal hamlets in Maharashtra and the Aspirational district of Simdega, Jharkhand have been powered through 79 solar micro-grids with a total installed capacity of 773 kWp.



773 kWp

Solar PV capacity installed


Tribal Hamlets

The Green Switch

VN or वन (Vanaropan for Neutrality)

The aim of the project is to afforest urban spaces to build green cities, encourage the regeneration of local biodiversity, reducing air pollution as well as offset environmental footprint. The project uses the Miyawaki technique to create regenerative forests celebrating native species and encouraging faster maturity of the forest. Each acre of Miyawaki Forest approximately helps sequester approximately 260 tons of carbon / year after the trees are mature. Since FY23, Tata Capital has planted approximately 77,500+ native saplings on 6.5 acres of land in 3 cities.


native saplings 


acres of land in 



EcoSphere Project

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